Winter 2008
Hungry Ghost

About the Show

From Indy Week:

If the thought of Wall Street executives enjoying $100 million bonuses while millions struggle to pay the bills sets your blood boiling, the Paperhand Puppet Intervention offers the opportunity to see them burning in hell. Well, the Buddhist hell, anyway: The Hungry Ghost, which kicks off the group’s 10th year with its first winter show, depicts what happens to the greedy and selfish in the next life.

The Hungry Ghost is a darker than usual work for the five puppeteers and three musicians who make up its production. “Usually, our stuff is a family affair, so everyone can come,” says co-director and co-creator Donovan Zimmerman, who’s labeled this show for “mature audiences.”

Chris Johnson
Johnny Waken
Paul Ford

Listen To The Soundtrack


Living Sea of Memory - Summer 2009


I am an Insect - Summer 2008