Artist Residencies
& Workshops

We love introducing the art of puppetry to people of all ages! One of our dreams is to travel the world and collaborate with different nationalities while teaching how to build puppets and tell stories. We’ve traveled around the country and the world to the United Kingdom, St. Croix in the Virgin Islands, the Dominican Republic and we’re happy to bring our program to you! Our residencies can last from a few days to several weeks, depending on the audience, budget and timing.
Get in touch with us below and let’s get the conversation started!

  • "Doing the artist and residence project was so much fun! The way he taught us how to make puppets was really easy to follow, which made me feel like I actually knew how to make a puppet. It was very interesting and fun the entire time. The shaping of the mask looked impossible and I did not think you could do that much with cardboard until the artist in residence. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot! I would definitely do it again!"

  • "I really liked the experience. I really liked it and would do it again. I liked making my cheetah and doing everything."

  • "I enjoyed the artist in residence program, I thought it was informative and entertaining. The overall experience helped me understand the inner workings of puppet making industry. I appreciate the effort that goes into the creations now, and if I had a choice I would like to do it again."

  • "I really enjoyed the artist in residence experience. It was extremely enjoyable to go behind the scenes and deep dive into how these puppets are really made. It helped me to appreciate all the time and dedication the goes into these beautiful pieces."

  • "I deeply enjoyed my experience making puppets. I got to learn how to work with different materials and how to manipulate them. I also got to enjoy and realize the hard work that many set designers go to, to create sets and props. I would definitely enjoy doing this again!"

  • "This activity was very enjoyable. Mr. Zimmerman was a kind person and he helped greatly with the tedious process of puppet creation. I loved being able to express my creativity through these works of art. The paper maché was the most interesting step of the process."

  • "I enjoyed having the freedom of being able to come to class everyday and just be creative and just work. Throughout the project we were able to take it wherever we wanted and not have to follow a strict rubric. I also enjoyed how helpful the adults were and actually helped when you needed it."


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